IT market in the world has its own specific rules. Computing profession is generally perceived as a very promising direction in our careers, because IT systems are beginning to play an increasingly important and sometimes decisive role in our daily lives. There appear to be many “born" specialists on the market, who want to become players in this game with an incredible commitment. They learn all the ins and outs of systems and sooner or later they become qualified professionals. Others are trying to follow and try to educate themselves in this very fashionable and popular profession. Still some people only in the course of their actual career become aware of it and fascinated by a computer science to decide to change their careers.

Universities and colleges outdo each other, effectively trying to prepare computer specialists to carry out this despite appearances hard and responsible work. However, the studies allow only prepare for the future profession, because the rest we have to do on our own. Every day new technology is being created and we need to learn to keep abreast of all the news.

Unfortunately, not all of us are able to do it on our own. Despite having access to such a great store of knowledge on the internet, we are not able to process such a large amount of information in a fairly significantly limited time. The IT market time counts, actually its evident lack matters the most. Just imagine how much time you need to spend on reading only one specialized book, which on average contains about 500 pages. The reading of the whole book itself does not give us any guarantee of processing the knowledge contained in it, so spending more time actually increases the assimilation of knowledge even more. Even the art of speed reading here is of no use, because in many cases the small details count and not general knowledge.

Therefore, it seems the only way to assimilate in a shorter time a larger amount of knowledge is to participate in all kinds of presentations, seminars, workshops or other specialized training. This allows us to get a little better knowledge on the topic and provides direction for further development by focusing only on the selected issue that we will need.

The opportunities to participate in such meetings are quite many, ranging from free online training to the very specialized, (paid) technical trainings. Fortunately, we do not always have to invest in our own development. If we are lucky and our employer takes care of our career, surely he will fund some of these specialized training, or at least the most expensive ones. Some of us are really lucky and really take part in a wide range of trainings …and so in many cases it appears to be very profitable.